the long and winding road…

vancouver fashion and personal style blog; partyskirts, american apparel grey tee, blue zara heels, vintage crystal necklaces; birthday party

i’ve always done things a little differently. even as a kid, whether i was playing soccer with the boys or running around in a mismatched grey nike tracksuit while all the other girls wore dresses, i never did things the “normal” way (i’m sure my parents can attest to that). and sometimes that sucks when you’re a kid, and you stand out in the wrong way. but as you get older, you start to realize it’s the original and quirky people who are worth knowing and listening to. i guess what i’m trying to say is that it is important to me to be different while i slowly grow up. and not follow everyone else. anyway, that’s what i tried to do with this outfit. the tee is an unexpected twist, especially when worn to a party. i like the quirkiness that it brings to the look.

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vancouver fashion and personal style blog; partyskirts, american apparel grey tee, blue zara heels, vintage crystal necklaces; birthday party tracks9

skirt: PARTYSKIRTS | tee: American Apparel (similar, save) | shoes: Zara (similar) | jewelry: Shoppalu, vintage, So Pretty Jewelry, BCP Jewelry

so here’s to originality and being yourself! happy tuesday!

photos by Maddie Lansky


1 Comment

  1. Eider Urkijo
    02.06.2013 / 2:57 am

    Love your shoes! xoxo

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