I’ve been styling my hair a little differently lately and have gotten so many requests for a tutorial. I use a weird little contraption that I got on Amazon (I use the 32mm barrel iron) and it honestly takes me about 10 minutes to my hair waves. I hope this is helpful and please let me know if you have any questions!



  1. Lisa Carbone
    12.11.2019 / 10:05 pm

    Runs out and gets all the products…

    Love it
    Cheers Lisa

  2. Gigi Baffi
    03.06.2020 / 12:53 pm

    Hi! Made the mistake of ordering the skinnier barrel curling iron on Amazon. Leading to the crimpier look I’m not in love with. They don’t do a very good job of distinguishing sizes on the site – do you know the actual barrel size of the large barrels (is it 1inch?). Not sure if the link you provided leads to a generic version or the exact one in your video:). But obsessed with this look and want to re-create! Thank you!

    • August Diaries
      03.07.2020 / 11:50 am

      Hey! Ugh sorry about that – they totally don’t do a good job of that. I believe mine is a 32mm! Here’s a link to one that is actually prettier lol https://rstyle.me/+-30Mz-teUE2Tk_KtUBY5jw

      Hope that works!

      xx Jill

  3. Cami Nielsen
    04.07.2020 / 5:18 pm


    I have been trying to find this online but all of the 32 mm ones won’t ship for a couple months and those ones also don’t have the LED light like yours. The only ones I can find with the LED light are the 1 inch barrel size and they will ship sooner. I was just wondering if for sure yours is the 32 mm or the 1 inch. Sorry for being picky but I really like the size of wave the iron gives your hair and want to make sure I get the same size.


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