going to the chapel…

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dress, sunnies (c/o): Forever 21

I know, I’ve been a little MIA on the whole blog thing for the past two weeks. Life and work has been busy and I’m feeling… cloudy. That’s the best word I can use to describe it; I’m having trouble thinking and articulating myself clearly, which is incredibly frustrating. When I’m not feeling like myself, I find it even harder to be inspired sartorially. It’s like I can barely function, let alone dress myself in a chic way that could possibly inspire others. And it’s important to me to put quality content up for you guys… hence the lack of posts.

Anyway, I get a lot of questions from women asking what to wear to a wedding… I know the feeling; I always feel like I should buy something new, but don’t want to blow my pay check on the many weddings to attend this summer. So when I found this maxi dress, I jumped to buy it immediately. It’s so comfy, and can easily be dressed up or down (I’ve already worn it with flip flips over a bikini). Plus, at $24, it’s a guilt-free purchase, even if you only wear it a few times.

One of the best tips I can give you re wedding wear? If you’re worried if a dress you’ve picked for a wedding is inappropriate, it probably is. Err on the conservative side; this IS someone else’s wedding.

PS Don’t forget to enter in this awesome giveaway, open until the 15th!

Have an amazing weekend! I’m looking forward to birthday BBQ’s and sleeping in.



  1. Christie
    07.11.2014 / 8:34 am


  2. Miriana's World
    07.14.2014 / 6:23 am

    I love the whole look!!!

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