how to stay sane in the world of social media

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Social media has become all-consuming; all-encompassing. It’s now a marketing tool for companies, a way to interact with others and an easy way to somehow drain 2 hours from your day. This may seem slightly ironic coming from someone whose job is rooted social media, but that actually makes it that much more important for me to be able to separate myself and unplug from it. I struggle with these tips every day, but here is how I (am trying to) stay sane in the social media world:

1. This one’s pretty obvious, but I’m always surprised by how hard it can be. PUT THE DAMN PHONE AWAY. Go out for dinner, watch a movie, whatever, but leave your phone in another room. It’s amazing how lovely it is to actually concentrate on the task at hand instead of multi-tasking with your phone.

2. Don’t check your email/social channels right before you go to bed and right when you wake up. By the way, I’m guilty of doing both of these things, but it’s on my to-do list to stop (don’t you just love lists?). It’s not fun for the last thing you do before going to sleep or the first thing you do when you wake up to be comparing yourself to others. Start your day on a better foot. Stretch, play with your dog, shower, whatever.

3. Get inspired instead of comparing. I’m also guilting of comparing myself to many others, but I’m trying to stop (wow, talk about taking your own advice, right?). Get inspired by what other creative individuals do instead of being jealous of it. The jealously will just ruin your day. Make a conscious decision to not let that happen.

4. Stop following anything who makes you feel bad about yourself. Seriously. If you’re following someone who makes you feel fat, ugly, unaccomplished, or anything negative, stop following them! There’s no point in doing that to yourself and I’m sure their intention is not to make you feel bad.

How do you guys stay sane in the world of social media?

Aritzia jeans (sold out, LOVE these)



  1. Vivian
    02.26.2016 / 3:11 pm

    Love your style. Where could I get that blazer?

    • 02.28.2016 / 4:36 pm

      thanks! it’s an old zara, but there are similar ones that I’ve found above!

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