city love

i took a page from the book of Elin Kling for this one. i normally wouldn’t have shown any midriff with this outfit, but i kind of like the edginess of it. this could be a bit a daring christmas party outfit.

in other news, last night i went to the Goh ballet Nutcracker performance. it was amazing, but definitely made me feel a bit overweight, and slightly like an underachiever (hello, 9 year old star of the show?). however, those dancers charmed their way into my heart after all, fluttering across the stage. and the men. the men. let’s just say wearing white tights AS PANTS isn’t the best idea (or is it?)

black2 black5  black3




top: NastyGal (similar here and here)| skirt: vintage via Shoppalu (similar, splurge, vegan) | shoes: L.A.M.B (similar) | jewelry: Cara Accessories via Nordstrom, vintage (similar)

happy friday!!


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