house of vintage

Hmm.. what to wear to see the King of Vintage himself, Cameron Silver at BluBird? Vintage, duh. This is by far my favourite piece (thanks, Shoppalu); the leather is supple, the cut is perfect and it fits me like a glove. Classy, but sexy and different. I took a cue from this post re: some French editors and kept it simple and unfussy with a white tee.

Note: I didn’t actually wear this hat for most of the evening, but grabbed it from my girlfriend at one point or another and it just stayed on for the shots! I like the French cool factor it gives, though.

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tee: Aritzia (similar) | skirt: vintage c/o Shoppalu (similar, vegan) | jacket, shoes: Zara (on SALE) | hat: c/o Aleeza Khan Bradner (similar)

Do you have a favourite vintage piece? Where did you find it? I love hearing how people find their treasures!

ph/Aleeza Khan Bradner 


1 Comment

  1. bremont
    09.27.2022 / 9:46 am

    you don’t wear this leather skirt anymore?
    so beauty


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